1. Install ui-route, include js file in html and add dependence in js file.
bower install angular-ui-router
angular.module('Eggly', [ 'ui.router', 'categories', 'categories.bookmarks'])
2. Add config() to the app, inject with $stateProvider.
angular.module('Eggly', [ 'ui.router', 'categories', 'categories.bookmarks']) //inject the stateProvider .config(function($stateProvider){ $stateProvider .state('eggly', { url:'/', //point to the root url templateUrl: 'app/categories/categories.tmpl.html', controller: 'MainCtrl' }) ; })
3. add ui-view directive to the html
4. Add content to the
5. When visiting the page, url should change accordingly, otherwise nothing will show.
old url:http://localhost:63342/eggly/index.start.html
new url:http://localhost:63342/eggly/index.start.html#/
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